
BPSC Goal and Purpose:

Shooters are developed, not born. We take great pride in developing campers to their fullest potential. We strive to do this by providing a positive upbeat experience that provides positive competition while promoting self-esteem, repetition, team concepts, self discipline, and most importantly FUN. We have provided instruction to over 23,200 campers over the past 27 summers and our track record for returning campers and word of mouth publicity has helped us grow each summer.


Any boy or girl between the ages of 7 and 16 is eligible for camp. BPSC is perfectly suited for all skill levels from the beginner to the aspiring college basketball player. Each camp is arranged in groups according to age, size, and ability.


Camp runs 8:45am - 4:45pm except Monday in which check-in begins at 7:30am. All camps include 32 hours of instruction which is approximately the same amount of time as a month of practice in Middle School or a full season of a youth league. One week of BPSC is a great way to improve your skills in a short period of time. There is supervision starting at 7:45 am and as late as 5:15 pm for free shooting, early drop-off and late-pick-up.


We have over 60 coaches that include head coaches, assistant coaches, collegiates, and former players that all share the knowledge and enthusiasm required to be a BPSC camp instructor. We pride ourselves in maintaining a 10-1 camper to coach ratio so everyone can be developed on an individual basis.


Registration prior to camp is highly recommended since previous camps have filled.
There are two ways to register:
1. Register on-line with a credit card.
2. Fill out an application and send in with a $100.00 deposit or full payment. BPSC 2024 Application

Day 1 check-in:

Check-in will begin at 7:30am on the first day of camp. Check-in will be held in the gymnasium of the camp site. Please bring your remaining balance of your tuition at this time.


Lunch orders will be taken on Day 1 check-in and each morning if needed. Lunch will cost $8 per day and will be served from 12-1pm. Lunch choices may include Pizza Hut, Chick-Fil-A sandwich, Thunder Cloud Subs & Pok-E-Joe's BBQ. If you wish, you may also bring a sack lunch or go home for lunch.


The cost of each session of camp is $275 prior to May 31st, after May 31st cost is $299. There are ways to reduce this payment by using a team discount or referring another person to camp. A $100.00 deposit or full payment is due when the application is sent.

Auto discounts (online)

A multi-person discount will be applied when two or more family members register at the same time. $25 will be discounted on every additional camper after the first registration. This credit is applied during the online registration process.*

Other discounts (offline)

1) Team Discounts:  Any 5 people that register together, such as friends, neighbors or family members will receive $25.00 off each of their tuition. These 5 do not have to be the same age or gender, just simply register with the same name for the same session. This discount will be applied offline and credited the first day of camp.*

2) Multi-session discount: Any camper that attends more than 1 camp in the same season, will receive $25 off each additional session. This credit will be applied offline and credited the 1st day of camp.*

*ONLY 1 $25 discount can be applied per camper per session*


All campers must have their own medical insurance coverage. Staff will be on hand for the duration of the camp to attend to minor injuries.

Camp Store:

There will be a camp store from which campers may purchase drinks and snacks. Money can be stored at the camp store to prevent from losing it during the week.


There will be an awards ceremony at 4:25pm on the final day of each camp. Campers will compete in such contests as Free Throw shooting, Hot Shot, 21, 3 point, 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 league and tournament championships. There will also be special awards given and everyone will take a participation award.